B.Tech Project
Final Report


Omnidirectional Robot


Guide : Dr. Amitabha Mukherjee

Indian Institute of Technology - Kanpur




Anyone who struggles to master parallel parking knows a plague as old as the ox-cart, our glorious wheeled vehicles are hellish to maneuver in tight spaces. This mechanical glitch costs us dearly. Watch a forklift backing and forthing in a warehouse, or a wheel chair zigzagging through a twisted corridor and you will see magnificent examples of wasted motion.


Why can't a car simply pivot like an office chair on casters and slide sideways into a parking spot ? Because, we will need a minimum of three caster - like wheels on the floor, and each would require two motors, one to drive its rotation and another to make it pivot. Six motors would be too complex, unwieldy, and expensive. According to engineering principles, we should be able to manage the three degrees of freedom (x, y, w) with only three independent motors. This will give us a truly Omnidirectional Robot.


The scope of omnidirectional robot is immense. It gives such fluent maneuverability that it can be used to simplify processes where motion through tight spaces is required. The US Air Force is also trying to use omnidirectional robots to load bombs onto their fighter jets. Cybertrax Innovative Technologies, a US company is also developing a new motorized wheelchair based on omnidirectionality.

Apart from the general application of the omnidirectional robot as described above, our omnidirectional robot is being made with the ultimate aim of it playing in the soccer-playing robot competition. In the past few years, a lot of robots have been made in the institute with the purpose of being used in this competition. Without omnidirectionality, a quick and smooth motion in all directions was not achieved and hence the performance of the robots was not very good. For playing soccer, the robot should have all the three degrees of freedom (x, y, w) and should be able to change its position and orientation very quickly. This can only be achieved with omnidirectionality.

Moreover the soccer playing robots made in the past were large in size. Our objective is to make an omnidirectional robot, as small as possible.

Last Year's BTP

Last Year's BTP - Omnidirectional Robot


Last year also, a group had made an omnidirectional robot but that was a pseudo omnidirectional robot. It had two motors, thus allowing two degrees of freedom - x and w. Thus the robot had to be rotated in order to translate it in a new direction. Moreover, it used the principle of sprung and unsprung mass. The mass, which rotated, was very small so that moment of inertia was not a problem but the bigger mass also rotated with the smaller mass, due to absence of needle pivots in the legs of the robot. Hence, controllability became a big problem in the robot, as there was no feedback mechanism to determine the position and orientation of the robot. Thus, this robot was not truly omnidirectional.

Proposed Design

Two designs were thought upon initially for a truly omnidirectional robot  :
* Universal Wheel Concept - Little rollers embedded around the rim of a bigger wheel, allowing it to roll sideways. Three such wheels fixed underneath a round platform, 1200  apart and powered by a motor.

Omnidirectional Robot made using Universal Wheel Concept


* Orthogonal Wheel Concept - A round platform with three sets of wheels underneath, where each set of wheels consists of two wheels which look like miniature balloon tires. The wheels in each set are mounted in a cage at right angles to each other. There is one motor for every set of wheels and the motor rotates the cage in such a manner that at any time, one of the two wheels of every set is in contact with the ground.

Proposed Model - Orthogonal Wheel Concept


In the first design, as the drive shaft turns, the wheel is driven in a normal fashion in a direction perpendicular to the axis of the drive shaft, i.e., in the constrained direction of motion. At the same time, the small rollers allow the wheel to freely move parallel to the drive shaft, providing the unconstrained direction of motion. Wheels of this type must be relatively large to accommodate the rollers and greatly suffer from the successive shocks caused when individual rollers make contact with the ground. Hence this design is not very good and is ruled out. The second design provides full omni-directionality with independently controlled rotational and translational degrees of freedom. It does not have any glaring errors and its concept is discussed in detail below.

Orthogonal Wheels Concept

Orthogonal Wheels : (a) Side View, (b) Top View


Each wheel can be driven to roll on its portion of spherical surface, rotating around an axis - Z, perpendicular to the wheel axle. When these axes (the axes of the two wheels of a set) are maintained parallel and at a constant distance from each other, and when the wheel rotations around these axes are synchronized, contact with the ground can be assured by at least one wheel. In principle, the proper orientation of the system has no requirement other than the parallelism of the Z rotational axes of the wheels, constant spacing with the ground of the sphere's center, and the synchronized successive contact of the wheels with the ground. When the wheels are rotating in synchronized fashion, they are driven in the direction perpendicular to the Z axes. In the meantime, whatever wheel is in contact with the ground can roll freely in the direction parallel to Z, therefore allowing the entire wheel assembly to move freely in that direction.

Laternal Orthogonal Wheel Assembly


Orthogonal Wheel assembly has a constrained and controllable motion in the direction perpendicular to the shafts while it is freewheeling in the direction parallel to the shafts. Full three-DOF omni-directionality can be achieved with proper control of the constrained and unconstrained directions of motion. Also, rotation of the assembly around any vertical axis takes place with no slippage of the wheels and without discontinuity in the motor speed.
Thus the rigid body constraint requires that either the velocity vectors of the two points be equal or the projections of the velocity vectors on the line joining the two points be equal. For this assembly, this constraint implies that during any motion of the assembly, both wheels are required to turn at the same speed in their constrained direction. Therefore, no discontinuous change in the motor speed is necessary when ground contact switches from one wheel to the other. Moreover, both wheels could be in contact with the ground and no slippage would occur since the motor drives both the wheels at the same speed in the constrained direction.

Kinematic Relationships

The advantageous feature of this model is that the values of L are the same whichever wheel of a set of two wheels is in contact with the ground so that the velocity of both the wheels relative to the center of the robot's body remains the same. The wheels' driving shaft velocities are calculated in terms of the platform's rotational and translational velocity as given below :

Hence in Matrix form


The first two terms in the rotational velocity of the wheels represent the projections of translational velocity |V| on the constrained motion directions of each assembly, while the last term represents the components due to the rotational velocities of the platform. As can be seen from the equations, the rotational and translational motions are fully decoupled and can be controlled independently and simultaneously. The platform can fully access the three degrees of freedom of planar rigid body motions with no constraints or compatibility conditions on the three independent controls.

Control System

In teleoperated mode, the signals from the joystick directly provide the values of  the translational and rotational velocities. When the user provides the trajectory, the target configuration is compared at every loop cycle to the current estimate of position and orientation. The results provide the desired direction of motion and the platform targets rotational and translational speeds using linear ramp-up profiles , up to the preset maximum velocities. The corresponding shaft velocities are calculated and are used to check that the maximum allowed shaft velocity is not exceeded. If this is the case, all velocities are decreased by the ratio of the calculated to maximum velocity prior to being fed to the servo controls. When the platform comes within a certain radius or within a certain angle from its target orientation, the calculated translational, or rotational velocity, is decreased using linear ramp-down profiles. When the location and rotation angle are both within given thresholds from their target values, a new entry is read from the list and becomes the target configuration, or the platform stops if the list is exhausted. At each loop cycle of length 'dt', the system integrates the rotational and translational velocities to estimate the current orientation and position of the platform.


The omnidirectional robot find a wide application in the industry.  Our aim to make this robot is to study its applications and use it as a soccer playing robot.
The robot has been designed and now it is in the fabrication stage. Most parts are indegineous, but motors will be imported, as we want very small motors, with high power.


  • Stephen M. Killough, Francois G. Pin, "Omnidirectional & Holonomic Wheeled Platforms for Mobile Robots", IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 10, No. 4, pages 480-489, 1994.
  • Stephen M. Killough, "Turn and Pivot on Three", Discover Magazine, July 1997, pages 66-67.
  • Patrick F. Muir, Charles P. Neuman, "Kinematic Modelling of Wheeled Mobile Robots", Journal of Robotic Systems, Vol. 4, No. 2, pages 281-340, 1987.



    This project was designed by Apurva Prakash, Rahul Pandey, Rishi Kohli, in November, 1998. (Guide : Amitabha Mukerjee )
    Fabrication of this omnidirectional robot is still under contruction.
    This page last updated on 8th December, 1998.